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So much of what we experience we block from our minds or dismiss as coincidence.
We convince ourselves that the cold spot we felt in the middle of the living room floor was just a draft and the smell of our grandmother's favorite scent was just a figment of our imagination.
Our dreams are just dreams (even if they DO feel so real), right? There is nothing behind thinking the same thing someone else thinks at the exact same time, and there is no connection to the racing heart and breathless-ness we experience at the same time our child is nearly killed 3000 miles away.
For years, a good deal of us hid the personal beliefs we held as children, or we were taught to release them.
How many of you reading this today remember times when the unexplainable happened to you?
Well, guess what?
Those times were not the result of an overactive imagination.
Don't believe me?
That's o.k. It is hard to recapture our early beliefs after having been conditioned to believe them as false. Science today has proven the existence of many phenomena through the use of sensitive equipment that was not available to us so many years ago.
But for the many people who could never let go of the thought of something greater than ourselves happening regularly around us or the ones who were not frightened away from trying to understand them, and who also felt a strong desire to develop their own latent abilities, this is nothing new.
Still, if given a chance to prove what we knew deep down to be true, how many of us would jump on it?
That's what happened to me... in a way. The truth is, I was one of those individuals who walked the thin line between accepting our inherent gifts and running from them. It took me years to bravely take a leap of faith and accept, if not completely embrace them.
What helped me to realize the validity of the existence of other-worldly phenom and the NATURAL ability of every man, woman, and child to perceive it more than anything else was the development of a program called Controlled Remote Viewing.
Once you open the door enough to believe in the power of the mind to perceive people, places, things, and events outside of yourself irrelevant to time and space, recognizing the possibilities of everything else becomes a given, and although CRV was not necessarily a catalyst for that belief for me, it could very well be for you.
If you would like to see a little of what I refer to, click here.