Llewellyn's Red Dragon Spread
Overcoming Obstacles
The dragon stood before Marina embodying all that she would need during her journey.
Strength seemed to seep from its every pore. Marina knew she could rely on the beast to have courage and fortitude when things got tough.
The beast gracefully bowed down on two legs so she could climb atop the broad expanse of its mighty back, but before she took the reins, Marina glanced into the dragon’s eyes and was struck by the magic that danced behind them; green marbles spliced yellow down the center swirled and flashed and seemed to smile as Marina flung her tiny form over and pulled herself up.
And with that single glance, Marina knew she could count on her dragon friend to see her safely through to the journey’s end...
Llewellyn's Red Dragon Spread ~1. Walks you through your heart's desire ~2. Shows you who your companions are ~3. Maps out your journey ~4. Points out the gifts that spell victory ~5. Helps you to see the hidden obstacles on your path ~6. Shines a light on your friends, and what you must sacrifice or defeat ~ 7. And sees you to your awakening:
The final outcome.