The Aura
Seeing Energy
Our Life Force
You're driving one Sunday afternoon to your favorite country spot when you look up and notice a white glow that hugs the shape of the trees. You blink thinking you’re seeing things. You look at the rest of the sky where there are no trees, and you notice there isn't a single cloud in the deep blue of the sky for miles around.
What is this glow that surrounds and seems to pulse about the cluster of trees in the distance?
Radiating from the giant arms and lush landscape towering overhead pours the life force that exists within all living things: The aura.
Humans have an aura too, although for some reason we are less likely to notice it. Part of the reason is that our bodies today are condensed with pollutants and toxins that we either breathe in or ingest. We consume food products that aren’t necessarily good for us, and this causes our energy to slow or become blocked which causes our inner light to dim.
Drinking plenty of water and changing your diet, as well as any form of exercise will not only increase the likelihood of being able to see your own energy field or aura but will help you feel this energy increase in your body. Kids feel this naturally because their energy field is less polluted.
There is more than a little truth to the phrase the vigor of youth.
Exercise: Seeing the Human Aura
There are exercises that you could practice that will make it easier for you to see your aura. One of the simplest ones is to stand in front of a mirror with a white background. If you don’t have a white background, try hanging a white sheet behind you.
Stand in front of the mirror and let your eyes relax so that everything looks a little blurry or fuzzy.
Look along the edge of your shoulder or head (these are often the easiest places to notice it) and you may see a thin, light-colored shadow emanating from it.
If you keep your gaze relaxed, you may see the shadow rise and fall; grow stronger or weaker, and even change colors. Keep your eyes relaxed still and scan the rest of the outer edge of your body. There may be pockets of different color streaming all around you.
If you are having trouble seeing it, relax…you are not alone. It can take some practice.
If you do see it, you may want to try to manipulate the size of it by imagining taking in energy through the top of your head. Feel it filling you up and pushing out past your skin. See it growing and getting larger around you. When you see this, you can then try to draw it back in. Imagine the energy shrinking back into your body and seeing a mini you shrinking inside of yourself getting smaller and smaller.
Often times when we are in fear of something, our aura will pull back inside. It is so the energy of what scares us cannot interact with our own.