Receive By Letting Go
Ready to receive abundance?
I see memes like these often on various sites and pages.
Draw abundance to you
manifest your heart’s desire
Achieve good health
drop bad habits
All through the power of positive thinking, prayers and/or Reiki.
I’ve been guilty a few times of posting them myself but always a little Hesitantly.
While all this is possible, it doesn’t come without a bit of work on our part. If it was that easy, we’d all be sitting home in our favorite chair waiting for a bag of money to fall through the roof, or having a brinks tank drive by and dropping bags of unmarked bills at our door step.
We might think that we can think ourselves into a size 4 dress from an 18 without putting any kind of effort into it, but again, if it were, we’d all look like Heidi Klum.
We might think that we’d wake up one morning after 20 years of smoking and decide, “That’s it. I’m through with cigarettes. I quit.” It usually takes some kind of wake-up call before that happens.
Now before you say, “Well then, what the hay is the point in practicing Reiki or the “law of attraction” then? What is the point in praying?”; Because there are reasons we attract things such as poverty, poor health, and obesity into our lives.
There are at least 3 good, solid reasons why I find we allow this.
Negative patterns passed down to us from family members or friends (monkey see, monkey do)
Past programming (do as I say, not as I do)
Energy blocks of some kind, whether, emotional, physical (scar tissue), mental, or spiritual.
In most cases, it will be a combination of at least 2 of these.
Without removing these blocks or eliminating old habits and past programming, anything we try will fail. In order to eliminate them, we have to be able to recognize why we do the things we do, at least on a subconscious level. And I say that because sometimes, our emotional scars are too heavy a burden to bear. We are designed in a way that our subconscious mind helps protect us from the deeper damage that could affect us on a conscious level.
In this case, our subconscious mind will draw the conclusions that need to surface in order to release a block but only allow as much information as the conscious mind can handle. In effect, it’s like a coffee filter. The coffee granules are all those little thoughts and patterns that, on some or all levels, we cling to. When we pour the hot water (or the reiki) over them, some of the essences of those irksome issues are filtered down to the carafe to be consumed—or dealt with-- in a way that is palatable to us, and the rest is discarded.
In the case of spiritual blocks, we may be fighting past teachings that, on some level, never really resonated with us. I am familiar with this aspect on a personal level. I spent the early part of my years sitting and learning about a God that, in all honesty, frightened the begeezus out of me on one hand, and yet, who I knew to be this gentle and loving entity that created and loved everything. This kind of duality, to a child, can be rather confusing, and instead of working it out, I just decided that I wasn’t going to swallow any of it and instead imagine a non-threatening God that I could feel safe around. Still, the frightening teachings persisted and I stuffed them into the dark recesses of my mind.
When it was discovered that I possessed these certain gifts that went against the teachings of the church, major conflict arose and it was something I had to deal with on both a subconscious and conscious level—Subconscious through dreams and on levels I wasn’t even aware of, and consciously by those thoughts that seemed to arise from nowhere. Trust me…they came from somewhere and through the work of the subconscious mind.
For the most part, unifying my belief system seemed to be painless, but it took years of work and many life lessons before I could finally be comfortable with who I was/or am and what I intuitively know to be true for me in regards to my spirituality. Astonishingly enough, that was to realize that it is all relevant in context. All the things I was taught are seen in a different light—same teachings, different perspective.
That’s the sort of results that Reiki manifests.
Physical scars are another matter, and I’ve dealt personally with them as well. Physical, mental, and emotional trauma have a way of hiding themselves within the muscles of the body, where the muscles calcify or stay chronically contracted, preventing the flow of fresh, oxygen-rich blood from circulating. This is called armoring and it does exactly as it sounds. It blocks the flow of everything, in or out, to the effected tissue or muscle. This causes stagnation both on a physical level and on an energetic level.
Depending on the severity of the scar tissue or adhesions of the muscles affected, the time it takes to break through will vary. In the case of adults with childhood trauma, it can take multiple massage and Reiki sessions to get it to budge just a little and the reason being is that the memory of the emotional trauma is what is holding that muscle tight. This is called cell memory. Even when you can get a muscle to relax or “release”, there is no guarantee that it will stay that way without further treatment, because
The holding pattern has become a habit
2. The condition of the muscle is due to an emotional cause. That “cause” has to be released as well.
Another problem with stagnant energy trapped in muscles is that it has a tendency to affect other areas of the body, including major organs. The organs it affects will depend on the area of the muscle holding or the energy blockage.
There are energy channels throughout the body that rule certain organs and that will determine, also, the diseases that affect the body.
Are you starting to see how all the pieces of the body fit together? This is called homeostasis and is the perfect balance of all areas of a person’s health.
No matter what part of your body is being affected: spiritual, mental, physical, or emotional, Reiki helps by going to the original source of the injury or trauma and that isn’t always visible to the client/patient at first.
In cases where the main issue is physical, it will directly affect that area, but it will also help to ease the emotional and/or mental trauma that could arise during or even after the physical injury has healed.
What about the mental programming we’ve all been exposed to growing up? For some of us, it may have been a positive experience, but for most of us, we’ve suffered intentional and unintentional blows to our ego or psyche that we may never get past.
I’ll give you an example.
Growing up, I was a petite child and in my teen years, very athletic so I had a bit of muscle, but still petite. 5’5” and 117 pounds was what I weighed from the 6th grade through the 12th. I wore a size 9. Clothes sizes were much different then. Bodies were smaller but clothes were sized bigger. If a woman wore a size 0 in the 80s, she was close to death.
I was tiny, and yet my mother used to sing this song whenever she saw me looking at myself in the mirror that made me feel fat.
“Fatty, fatty, two-by-four, couldn’t fit through the kitchen door.”
I would laugh knowing, on one hand, she was only teasing, but soon afterward, I noticed that when I looked in the mirror, that’s what I saw. I saw a fat person. I thought my but was huge, and I imagined a number of other flaws that I thought were wrong with me. I became a young adult with self-esteem issues at a time when I should have been made to feel beautiful just the way I was. I was made to feel fat. This followed me well into adulthood. I had a hard time loving myself when I looked into the mirror. This led to eating problems. I ate very little, but what I did eat wasn’t very good for me. It was all comfort food. Do you see where this is going?
I developed a thyroid problem. At first it was hyperthyroidism. Isn’t that something? I believed I was fat, so I developed an illness that would make me skinnier. Along with that, though, came anxiety and headaches, shaking, uncontrollable thoughts, heart palpitations. I became afraid of leaving the house and I walked around with a Walkman strapped to my hip shutting out the rest of the world with music; engrossed entirely in my thoughts and fears. I went on for years like this.
Eventually, hyperthyroidism turned into hypothyroidism with a whole new set of symptoms and ailments.
My point, though, is this. Everything is connected and formed on a foundation that was created before the structure. If something is wrong with the foundation, you can’t fix it by repairing the structure. You have to get to the root of the problem.
No matter what I did, I couldn’t fix the outer problem I had with food or disease until I fixed the one broken aspect of myself that allowed me to ‘Love myself’ the way I was. That is when things started to turn around for me.
That wasn’t an easy thing to do though either because we are taught that self-love is selfish, arrogant, and egotistical. Before I could allow myself to love myself, I had to be ok with displeasing other people, which was another issue I had. I was a people pleaser; and I tended to attract people who were pros at making me feel guilty if I didn’t do what they wished.
Do you see the relationship between the mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional and how one indirectly and directly affects the other?
These are the things that need to be healed first. If you have a difficult time attracting money, it could be based on a past memory of a lack of some sort, or someone telling you, “you don’t deserve it.” Maybe you didn’t clean your room and wasn’t given your allowance. You may not remember any of this, but…the subconscious mind does.
Thoughts, and words based on thought are all powerful things. The effects of them can haunt us for years afterward and continue to do so as long as we don’t make the connection to the problem we are having in regards to them.
With regular practice, Reiki and meditation flushes these issues to the surface in a way that is safe to deal with and in ways that are beneficial to the recipient always.
So if you are wondering why all the affirming memes and prayers and acceptance of healing energy aren’t working for you, it is time to do the work and REALLY be open to those prayers, affirmations and memes. Take the focus off of what you want and ask to be relieved of what you don’t want. Ask to be healed of these things instead of praying for others. Then it will be possible to draw to you what you do want. But, do the work. Sit in quiet reflection for 15 minutes a day and just let the thoughts happen. Don’t fight them, stuff them, or disregard them. But don’t dwell on them either. Trust that they are being worked on in a way that is most beneficial to you.
© S. L. Davis; Reiki Healings by Susan.