Daily Draw: The Queen of the Light
I like Tarot cards. I like the artwork and being able to identify with some of the symbolism in each card. I also like to shuffle them. Being a kinesthetic learner, I like the way they feel in my hands…the weight of them, the way they glide over one another, the high gloss, or conversely the low gloss of each deck.
After completing yesterday’s draw, I picked up the deck and started shuffling. I had no thoughts in mind other than wanting to feel them in my hands and hear the sounds they make—Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, click…swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, click.
I wasn’t surprised when a card flew from the deck. That often happens and when it does, it usually reflects what it is my mind was wondering about. I smiled and thanked the spirits for paying attention and letting me know they are always with me.
What did surprise me, though, was the particular card that found its way from the deck onto my lap; The Queen of the Light. I have always identified strongly with this card even before being certified in Reiki. Many of you know that prior to being certified, I worked with energy—not giving it any specific name because for me, energy is what everything else consisted of and the word energy is what everybody uses to describe these other forms of…well…energy.
Seeing the balls of light hovering above her hands is what I see when drawing this mighty force to me. I realize that these balls of energy represent the potential that surrounds us at any time and that if we don’t use the energy we harvest, someone else will take that opportunity from you. I used to think “Sure, there is plenty more where that came from so it doesn’t matter”, but what I am starting to realize is that none will ever match the potential in that given moment. Each time we ask for the energy to create, we are doing so for a purpose and if we don’t take the opportunity to forge it into the finished result, we can’t really blame the people who would come and take it from us.
Sometimes, these opportunities come as gifts that we aren’t even asking for. I mentioned that this beautiful card came to me while shuffling away during idle time; time that contained the seeds of potential that I was wasting while shuffling. I guess spirit wanted to remind me of the value of time because soon after I picked up the card and placed it in the middle of the deck, she appeared again. This time, I looked more closely at the image and read the caption under her title: illumination, enlightenment, celebration. Yes…such beautiful thoughts and how empowering.
Turning my attention away from the image, I rubbed the card between my thumb and forefinger, feeling the high-polished surface and feeling my mind wandering off gain. Absentmindedly, I returned the card back to the middle of the deck and continued to shuffle.
Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, click, click. Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, click, click. Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, click, click…swoosh…
The cards caught in a jam, and in the process of trying to re-adjust them into their usual tight-fitting pile, I saw a couple of them fall. Yes…our queen again only, this time, she had company. Beside her, as if to punctuate their desire, Spirit delivered her opposite: The Shadow Queen. Clearly there was a message here and spirit had only needed to show me three times. I leaned over and picked up both cards. Across the front and under the shadow queen’s grand title were the words acquiring knowledge, insecurity, and manipulation. This queen also held in her hand a source of light…but instead of holding it in an airy and free fashion, it seemed contained and closely held. The area surrounding her was dark and hazy and the image of the queen herself concealed; hidden from view.
Not grasping what Spirit was trying to convey, I placed the deck back into its cardboard housing with the two images on top. I would think about it later. Suddenly feeling tired, I prepared myself for bed with the thought that Spirit would deliver to me what was needed to clarify the message.
Boy. Did they ever!
I woke having remembered a dream about people taking something valuable from me. This caused me to take a step back and to really see the faces of the people in front of me and at how I was being treated.
I could tell you the rest of the dream but I prefer only to give you the cliff notes. At one time I had given them something valuable and I knew if I was ever going to break free of their grasp and regain my strength, I was going to have to take it back.
So that is what I did…
Upon awakening, I was filled more with the terror in the dream than grateful for the message. It wasn’t until I sat down to write about it that I realized the gift.
When we sit idly through the day, we give each moment with its potential away.
When we have a grand idea but don’t act on it, we give that potential away.
When we start something and don’t finish it, we give that potential away…
Every time we receive inspired thought in one form or another, we are given a gift of pure potential and we are being asked to acknowledge it and to bring it to life.
In this way, we take back what we so freely give away.
However, when we bring life to that potential by expressing it fully and share it that way, we give back in a way that is beneficial to everyone, and every other potential that stems from the original will lead us to our next potential, and the seeds of potential for others will be born in what we share.
This is TRUE giving. The ideas and thoughts we receive would not be given to us if we were not the ones meant to follow through with them. Honor the gift of the potential in each moment and each inspired thought and then share it.
Until later you beautiful people.
©S. L. Davis; Reiki Healings by Susan
Image from the WISDOM OF TE HIDDEN REALMS tarot deck by Colette Baron-Reid. No copyright infringement intended.