All things created by a dotted line etched out on paper then traced and cut from the cloth of our choosing. Paper dolls and ballroom gowns leave a hollow imprint in the space where the pattern was before it.
Everyone we have ever known and every action we’ve ever taken becomes a dotted line etched on paper and remains there until time or circumstance begins to erode the outline of it away. Our bad habits and all the things we try or need to let go of are there, too.
In The law of attraction, we speak of how important it is to write a different story for ourselves – one filled with positive thoughts and affirmations, experiences, and forward movement. But when we do that, we are still leaving the dotted lines of all the things we no longer want in our lives. They may be layered behind all the new patterns drawn over them, but they still exist.
So then we talk about cutting out the unwanted negatives in our lives – cutting cords we call it. In my case, I see a pair of hands with scissors cutting strings to people, places or things that I feel are no longer serving my higher purpose. Each time I sit down to meditate I visualize this, and then I go back to drawing all the wonderful positives to me. Why, then, have I found myself falling back into the same patterns?
“If I’m cutting them out or away, why do they keep coming back?” I ask myself.
Then I remember…
Removing them leaves an empty space in space, but not really. If we imagine the patterned paper as the vast area of space and every person, place and thing in our lives as a pattern drawn out on it, what happens when we cut something away? It leaves an imprint or outline of what was once there, and that space looks empty, right?
We might visualize an area devoid of space… blacker than the black of space. Only this space isn’t empty like we imagine. It is filled with the stuff known as dark matter.
“What is that?”
If we imagine cutting out a form from our patterned paper and then cutting that form into a million pieces dark matter is what we would use if we wanted to glue those million pieces back together.
But, we don’t want to do that, so what happens to the glue?
It holds that empty place in space. Every time we cut something out of our life, we have an exact replica of it in the form of this dark matter in the space that is left. That’s not all. This space has the same kind of potential to draw our attention to it just like the person, place, or thing we wanted to cut out. So, now we are asking
What do we do about that?
We have to keep reinforcing our desire to remove it by cutting the same cord over and over again until one day it begins to fade and the dark matter that held the spot open begins to take on a new form in the shape of all the positive things we affirm to fill it.
If you find yourself falling back into old patterns like I have, remember this and keep cutting away at them. Eventually, the strong pull they have on you will lessen and fade, opening up a new channel filled with all the good things you have been trying to draw to yourself.
It will happen.
Some of our habits and negative experiences have been so ingrained in us that the imprint left behind holds the same kind of ability to draw us back to it.
If we keep thinking about those negative experiences, we keep reinforcing them in that space. This is a good reason to get in the practice of instantly forgiving and forgetting any present or future negative experiences we may encounter giving the dark matter no time to glue itself into place.
Have patience, keep believing, continue to visualize all the positives, and if you have to… keep cutting.
Love you, beautiful peoples