Mad Science, Woo-Woo, or Alternative Healing (Part 2)
With the rest of the family out running errands, I could focus my full attention on getting everything I needed to get done finished. I...
Mad Science, Woo-Woo, or Alternative Healing? (1 of 2 parts)
For the past month or so, my focus on Reiki has been to release stagnant and negative energy from not only myself, but from other members...
The Sun and Using the Power of the Mind's Eye to Energize.
We’ve all experienced it; the mid-day slump when we need something to push us to finish an important project, a day surrounded by people...
Being Positive in a Negative World
How does one stay positive in such a negative world? There are many ways that won’t cost you anything but change; not coinage change...
Lego My Blocks
On the final day of the Reiki sessions-Releasing blocks, I found that my focus was all over the place. After several attempts at steering...
Make the Choice~Positive or Negative
While reading the comments left by others on my Face Book posts about 'Releasing Blocks and Letting Go', I came across this statement:...
Where the Time Goes
When I met him, we were both squeezing melons. Ok, I know what you’re thinking; get your head out of the gutter… “How can you tell if...
Opening the Door
During this month’s week-long Reiki releasing sessions, I was reminded of the ability of our own subconscious to help us along in...
Receive By Letting Go
Ready to receive abundance? I see memes like these often on various sites and pages. Draw abundance to you manifest your heart’s desire...
What Have You done?
“What have you done?” I asked myself as my ears bristled against the deafening silence. Just an hour ago, I had to turn both dogs to...