Daily Draw: Lady of Lightning
Hello, everyone! I drew the Lady of Lightning card today from the Wisdom of the hidden Realms by Colette Baron-Reid.
Actually, I was in the process of drawing a card when this one flipped itself right-side up and then onto the table. I don't like to argue with spirit, so, Lady of Lightning it is.
It is interesting because the card I drew from the deck was one of synchronicity and illumination and I had just mentioned that in a blog yesterday (for those of you who follow and read them) and the card that jumped out is all about surprises and sometimes shock, total paradigm shifts. The synchronicity was that I was actually dreaming about that this morning. In my dream, I was stripping the interior of my home down to its foundation but I was viewing it like I was part of that foundation,looking up as if I was laying down. There must be some resistance in me because the entire time I was aware of my body wanting to relax into the change, and my conscious mind wanted to fight against this change. I kept trying to wake up,knowing it was a dream. I don't know how many of you are fighting something similar to this yourselves at this time.
There is a rebuilding of the self taking place. Parts of yourself or at least the way you think are changing and maybe that is scary to you.
The message is not to fight it but to relax into it. Change will happen much more easily. For some of you this change may be welcome, but for others who cling closely to an old way of life or of thinking or being, it can be painful to let go and try something new. We all know, though, that change is a good thing. If we sit too still in sameness, we stagnate and then change (sometimes major overhauls) are forced upon us. Nothing happens for 'no reason' and for everything that happens, there is a season, right? Remind yourself of this when you are faced with changing by going with the flow and not fighting it or wanting to resist, and I'll do the same thing.
Another bit of synchronicity that goes with this is that I have been saying 'be water'. If you have never heard this clip recorded of Bruce Lee, go listen to it on youtube. . Yesterday, I ran into the grocery store to see a tall, strong young man and as I walked to the register with my things, he turned around and on the front of his tee plastered to his incredible abs and pecs were the words 'Be Water' with an image of Bruce Lee. I believe it was a reminder for me as well as for members of this page who could use a little reminder themselves.
If that wasn’t enough, I was watching a bit of a tarot reading on the youtube also. In the reading, the reader said something about having to face change and what would you rather do, slink around change or face it head on and deal with it. I suppose there are times when dealing with something head-on is absolutely necessary, for example, when someone crosses personal boundaries, putting you in harm’s way or threatening you in some regard, but if these things are not happening, the best way for change to happen is easily. A wave of change can crush you, or you can be water and seep into those small cracks effortlessly to get to the other side of change.
It doesn’t have to hurt.
Most often times, we worry about things like this, but only because we don’t realize that worry is a wasted emotion. Whatever is going to happen will happen regardless of the state of your mind or emotion.
Another point is that all of life is an illusion that we create ourselves and because we are the ones that create it, we believe what it is we’ve created is real. What we forget is that if we have the power to create something, we also have the power to change it at any time and that if change is happening for us in a big way it is because we are the puppet masters behind that creation. Every choice we've made has let up to this point of change. We are the ones pulling the strings,so let us make it the way we want to see it.
Until next time you lovely peoples...
©S. L. Davis; Reiki Healings by Susan
Image from Wisdom of the Hidden Realms tarot by Colette Baron-Reid. No copyright infringement intended.