When the Smoke Cleared an Epiphany Appeared
A big part of the problem that empaths, introverts, and highly sensitive persons have is an inability to immediately discern their own deeply seated issues from what they absorb from others.
I’ve found myself in tumultuous and emotionally charged situations reacting in ways to what goes on around me that aren’t necessarily beneficial to me and that keep me mired to certain patterns of behavior.
Once, long, long ago in a social media-free land, distinguishing between my emotional garbage and others’ junk was a lot easier. It meant disengaging, but doing so didn’t require exercising immense levels of will or exhibiting symptoms of a new disease called FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), and as hard as I try to remain free from that problem, I sometimes fall into the hidden snares of its allure. But disengaging is absolutely necessary to return to center, balance, and inner peace; especially for the empaths.
During today’s releasing and abundance energy session and on this day of independence, I found that when the smoke cleared, an epiphany appeared.
As has become customary for me, I put a question I needed an answer to out in the cosmos the night before and drew from a deck of Tarot I felt drawn to. In this instance, it was Sonja Choquette’s Trust Your Vibes because each card consists of an abstract picture with one or two words that seem to speak to one on an unconscious level leaving them to absorb the images in a way that is most beneficial and symbolic to them. After all, we all have our own interpretations of what something means and connecting with that is easier when there aren’t a whole lot of words to distract us.
I do this right before bed so that my subconscious mind can further untangle the jumble of emotions and sensations my troubled heart and mind is bombarded with daily, as we all are.
As mentioned, last night’s word was Epiphany. I smiled to myself and to the Spirits ever present around me, and I couldn’t help thinking as I turned the card back over and lay it on the top of the deck that an “epiphany” would be quite nice. I knew that with all the meditations and Self-Reiki, I was due for one.
For the past week, it seemed I struggled with bouts of ennui thinking I was stuck, to having moments of clarity when I knew, undoubtedly, that I was not! But…I didn’t know HOW I knew this. I’d recently read all the articles from people claiming I was free and that feeling stuck is a false reality, as well as remembering all the articles from the past that, long before, echoed the same message, but coming off of the heels of my own blog about ‘owning’ knowledge, I seemed to have forgotten this message or more notably why it was so important to me. I couldn’t figure out why I was suddenly hearing about it and seeing references to it all over the place… again (signs will be given to you repeatedly until you finally get the message). More specifically, I did not even get that it pertained to anything I may have been dealing with on any level.
However, I discovered there was something that I clearly did not want to acknowledge or just wasn’t ready to let go of.
In a two-page response, I could tell you what that acknowledgement was or what it was I needed to let go of, but ultimately, it would be a lot of scratch mentioning old wounds, pain, trauma, regrets, and sorrow. There would be a lot of excuses entwined that would describe how it affected me and in which ways. A plethora of emotion would bubble up and explode like the red rockets glare bursting in air but when the smoke of illusion cleared there would be only one thing that really mattered…the past.
The past and our belief that it is somehow more important than the present or anything the future might bring are actually what holds us back. Memories of the PAST keep us hurting in our present, keep us from trusting and believing in our future, and generally just keep us from being in the present moment even when we know that with every new moment comes the potential to experience something old in a new way…like, love.
If we never release the old, we will forever carry with us its vibrations and project all the past conditioning that goes with it into the present and future. What I learned today is that it isn’t just important to let go of the past. We have to let go of it completely.
So, shake the tree. Rock the boat. Pull the plug…Do whatever you need to do to leave the past behind you so that you really are free to experience each present moment as if it was the first time.
©S. L. Davis; Reiki Healings by Susan