Earth Angel
Earth Angel.
What do you think of when you hear this?
Earth Angels are those who appear to us and lift us up. It could be when we are feeling lonesome, alone, scared, sad, or even when we have wonderful news that needs to be expressed.
For example, I happened to be out for a walk when I came across a new neighbor. I had seen this person at least once a day from my kitchen window using a walker to walk around in our community. I could tell that she wasn’t walking just to get “somewhere”, but she most definitely was on a mission. Her look showed determination and grit…focus.
I admired her tenacity as walking any great distance using a walker did not look easy.
She reminded me of my own need to get out there and resume my exercise regimen. I was accustomed to walking 3 miles every day before suffering a relapse is a persnickety thyroid condition that left me listless and tired. But after nearly a year of medication, I was beginning to feel like myself again. I knew the time had come and part of helping me get off the couch was this woman with her look of determination.
I hadn’t gone but maybe a quarter mile from my home when I ran into this very same neighbor. She was already covered in a light sheen of perspiration. I noticed her hands wrapped around the bars and the thick towel she used under each to prevent blisters.
“You walkin too?” she yelled out to me from the corner she had just rounded.
I shouted back “Yes, ma’am!”
“Ohhh…that’s good. I lost 55 lbs. I need to lose 5 more. My doctors are so proud of me.” She said as she made her way nearer.
I stuck my hand out to congratulate her on her accomplishment. She looked surprised, but she grabbed my hand as I said. “Congratulations. That is wonderful news!”
She told me that if she could lose the 5 pounds, she would be allowed to have the surgery she needed to correct the problem she was having in her hip—the very reason she needed the walker to assist her. I patted her on the back and assured her she would get there in no time.
I mentioned that I had, at one time, lost more than 100 pounds walking, and she looked at me with her huge eyes and said “No kidding?”
I made sure to add I had since gained more than 70 of it back. Her response was concern and compassion. She told me that I could do it again. All I had to do was believe in myself and to talk myself into doing it each and every day no matter how I was feeling.
We both continued to stoke each other’s confidence for a bit longer before wishing each the best going our separate ways.
I know the struggles and the hardships she faces daily to make the effort sometimes. I’ve been there several different times myself. But in that moment we were both Earth Angels to each other. We both needed to here that our efforts were not in vain, and that our desire for good health would be answered if we believed, and we told each other we DID believe.
It didn’t take much-- just some small gesture from someone who shares or understands our burden; a chance to be acknowledged and encouraged—a reason to continue.
What about you? Do you have a recent Earth Angel story you’d like to share?
*Illustration from the Journey Of Love Oracle Cards by Alana Fairchild