Opening the Door
During this month’s week-long Reiki releasing sessions, I was reminded of the ability of our own subconscious to help us along in expanding our limiting beliefs. Every secret of the universe is already contained within us and we always have complete access to it. Sometimes we just have to be open to the way in which it is offered. This dream is more than 10 years old. It is a good example, though, of how the subconscious mind has a way of helping us see our own truth and how it helps us resolve our earthly dilemmas.
“Once you walk through the door of an open mind, it can never be closed again.”
This is my waking thought this morning, and having such a thought, I wish I could remember, directly, the places my mind had been this past night; but, the only thing I can remember for sure was that I was sitting on a bed in a quiet isolated cottage speaking with family about the beautiful little place. There wasn’t much to it, it was sparsely decorated with light colored walls, kind of small, but it had a sense of openness about it.
There was also a visitor there who was thinking of buying the place. I believe he was a doctor. He was sitting stiffly on a wooden chair that was pulled against one of the stark walls in the room, away from my family and me, while we sat on the soft bed in comfort, looking out through the big bay window in front of us, to the tranquil scene outside.
I remember quite specifically that I was saying I would not mind owning a place like this and unplugging myself from the attachments of the everyday world back home- from all the phones and computers, TV and radio- and just sitting quietly and tuning into the scene all around me, letting the openness and calming effect the place seemed to have on all of us envelop and wrap us in its warm and loving embrace. And I was quite happy, feeling this very deep to my core, as was my family. But the visitor sat alone and stone-faced against the backdrop of the cold wall behind him.
There was something about this place that seemed to radiate a warmth and light.
I had previously spent a lot of time struggling with internal thoughts about who I am and where at in this humongous world I fit in. In my dream, that becomes so self-evident. While looking out of the big picture window, the view was one of tranquility and light. Everything seemed to radiate and glow. This represents my belief that all things are energy. For years, I read and studied books written by great minds who saw the world as more than black and white and whose philosophy was that our truths and beliefs are only part of this vastness we experience as life. That in all faiths practiced, everything is valid.
Raised Catholic, I am very comfortable with the thoughts of angels, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus; but, as early as the age of 6, I remember the questions I had about lessons taught. They did not resonate with me and I could not hold to those beliefs. It doesn't much matter what those beliefs were at the time. What does matter is that I questioned them. I chose at that moment to follow a compass that would lead me down a road of self-discovery; a road that I continue to follow today. It is one that encourages me to look within the confines of my heart, but also to look at a much bigger picture. To know that to hold to such stiff and rigid beliefs would be to deny me the pleasure of experiencing the totality. And knowing this, I could never go back to limiting beliefs.
©S. L. Davis; Remote Reiki Healings by Susan