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New Beginnings X 2

Today’s daily draw was reinforced when a second card flew from the deck onto the table.

My question was to ask if there was a message that seemed to be a general theme for most of the members of my page who participate in the Reiki sessions for abundance.

I waffled a little about the deck I wanted to use. My preference is for the Gilded Tarot, because as someone with artistic tendencies, it is what I most respond to, but I also wanted to use a card that would give me a general message that could be applied to a greater number of people. I thought of Doreen Virtue's Angel deck and knew that the detailed messages she gives always resonate with a lot of people at one time.

The Angel deck it was then!

As I shuffled, I thought about the many people on the page who

are seeking either abundance or a way of releasing their energy blocks so that they may be open to abundance before shuffling the deck. It wasn’t long at all before the ACE OF FIRE flew from the deck and flipped itself over onto the top of the pile of cards I held in my hands.

“OK…thank you!” I thought.

As I looked at the image of the card and read the caption below it, I thought, “How fitting”.

So many of us often struggle with new beginnings because we are afraid of branching out or pushing the envelope. I feel like this is what so many of us want—to leave behind the hum-drum of our safe existences and chase the dream ourselves. We fall into the vague satisfaction of watching other BRAVE SOULS reach for the brass ring and pretend we are living vicariously through them and happy about it.

Many of us devote a lot of time dreaming up new ideas either for business or just because we find ourselves with a little extra time on our hands leaving our minds to wander freely, and for a moment, we become inspired by these thoughts as the blood starts to surge through our veins before thinking about all the reasons why these ideas would never work and returning to our state of ennui.

But that moment of passion we feel for those idea are exactly the feelings that propel manifestation forward. It is the beginning of living our dreams the way we envision them in all those moments of rest or down time.

I think about all the ideas in the past that I dreamed of doing as I placed the Angel deck down and reached over to grab the beautiful Gilded deck that seemed to draw me in with her vibrant colors. I noticed the way they felt in my hands and I unconsciously shuffled the deck…letting my mind wander.

Just then a card flew from the deck and landed upright on the table in front of me.


Right then. New beginnings it is.

“Spirit, please allow us the courage to reach for our hearts desire in whatever endeavor we aspire to, and allow us to draw upon your loving energy so that we may be inspired both in thought and deed. Let us be brave enough to try…to dream…but most of all to act.


This seems like an appropriate time to point out that Doreen Virtue’s Angel oracle cards are based on the 78 cards of tarot. Ace of Fire represents the Ace of Wands—wands represent the element of FIRE which stands for new beginnings (ACE) in CAREER, PROJECTS, and PASSIONS (WANDS).

I am aware of the stigma that is associated with decks that do not resonate with certain groups of people and it saddens me a bit if you consider the history of the tarot. Whatever deck you choose to use, know that you are accessing the same energy that all of us are tapping into. The only difference is in the images selected and used for interpretations.

As with anything, the energy attached to Oracle and Tarot decks is always neutral. What changes the energy is the intent behind their use.

I will be devoting some time to write more about tarot and its history and hope to bring you a post on it in the near future.

Until then…

Namasté my dear friends


©S. L. Davis; Reiki Healings by Susan

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