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Make the Choice~Positive or Negative

While reading the comments left by others on my Face Book posts about 'Releasing Blocks and Letting Go', I came across this statement:

"I am somehow blocked from receiving. Tell me how to unblock".


The biggest factor to being able to receive is our own thoughts.

  • Are you aware of your own way of thinking?

  • Do you recognize when you are speaking or thinking in a negative way (even if it is in a joking manner)?

Conscious thought is so fleeting that we fail to catch our very own thoughts in action. But what our conscious mind neglects to notice, our subconscious mind picks up on and delivers to us our every wish, and those wishes do not have to be presented in the usual wish format.

For example, one could be thinking or worrying about what one doesn’t want to happen, but their subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between the two. All it knows is that an awful lot of attention is being given to it; and attention leads to intention, which in turn, leads to receiving.

So we really need to ask ourselves, “What is it we are receiving?”; and we need to ask ourselves this in all areas of our personal development and health:

  • Physical

  • Mental

  • Emotional

  • spiritual

The good news is, once we start taking note of our own thoughts, we can take immediate action to change them, but bad habits are hard to break and make no mistake about it; negative thinking is a bad habit formed by having had to spend time in trying situations. So, we have to find a way of breaking the bad habit of negative thought first.

I remember a suggestion I read a long time ago that, at the very least, gives a person an idea of what it is they are thinking on a regular basis. To do this, one has to record every thought they have. In the article or book I read, this had to be done for a week. However, I don’t think it is necessary to do so for that long. All one needs to do is establish that they are thinking in a negative way in order to become aware of it and once that happens, catching the thoughts as they occur becomes easier.

In the day when I read this, there were no tech gadgets that I could use to record every thought, so I had to use a pen and paper, but you might want to keep your smart phone handy and just record your thoughts as they happen.

Here is what is suggested and what I did:

I just took some time from my day to sit quietly in meditation/ reflection and sat with my pen and paper writing every thought that came to mind.

That’s it!

Trust me. It won’t take long before you start noticing a pattern and the chances are great that your very own thoughts will correspond to the areas in your life that are lacking or that you feel blocked in.

Once you discover what it is you’re thinking, you need to start working on changing them.

I believe it was Doreen Virtue who gave me the idea of imagining a cancel or delete button in my mind. Anytime you catch yourself thinking something negative, imagine yourself hitting that delete or cancel button. Make the image as clear and as real as possible. When you have done that, you have to take that void where the thought used to be and fill it with something positive.

So, if you are thinking, “I really don’t know how I’m going to pay for my son’s tuition this month. I have no money.”

You need to delete that thought and fill it with a positive phrase about money using the present tense:

“I have all the money I need and I know that God/the universe is providing me with all the things I need to live a comfortable, happy, and stable life.”

Now here’s the hard part…

Even if you are down to half a loaf of bread and a quarter of a jar filled with peanut butter, you still have to make the effort to “think positive”. You cannot just think positive when all the chips are going your way, because the first time your thoughts turn to the dark side again, your attraction for those things will take

effect and the more established the negative thinking becomes.

In short, being positive is a full-time endeavor. You cannot do it half-way.

I hope this helps anyone who is feeling blocked to recognize that it is within their power to change the direction of the flow of energy their way just by changing the way they think.

To get an idea of this flow, imagine a whirlpool and you are floating in this pool of water that is carrying you along effortlessly in a counter-clockwise position. As long as you stay on your back, you will float with this current for as long as you want. However, this isn’t the direction you want to go.

What do you do?

For starters, you stick your legs down, and start moving in the other direction. At first, there will be a lot of resistance and you will have to struggle and lean into the current and fight it…but eventually, you will feel the current of the water start to move in the direction YOU are pulling it.

If you follow this simple advice, I know you will begin to see improvements in all areas of your life. I know I have.

Keep in mind...It may not happen overnight. After all, these negative patterns most probably took years to develop, so be patient and forgiving of yourself, and remember to think positively…

In my next article, I will write about ‘Being a positive person in a negative world’.

Until then



©S. L. Davis; Reiki Healings by Susan

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