Daily Draw: The Queen of the Light
I like Tarot cards. I like the artwork and being able to identify with some of the symbolism in each card. I also like to shuffle them....
Beware the Energy Vampire
Imagine you are sitting in your office cubicle enjoying your morning brew and sorting through the pages of email. It’s a Monday, but you...
The Sun and Using the Power of the Mind's Eye to Energize.
We’ve all experienced it; the mid-day slump when we need something to push us to finish an important project, a day surrounded by people...
Lego My Blocks
On the final day of the Reiki sessions-Releasing blocks, I found that my focus was all over the place. After several attempts at steering...
Make the Choice~Positive or Negative
While reading the comments left by others on my Face Book posts about 'Releasing Blocks and Letting Go', I came across this statement:...